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Causes [ edit ]

Rhinophyma is characterised by prominent pores and a fibrous thickening of the nose, sometimes with papules. It is associated with the common skin condition rosacea and it can be classified clinically into 5 grades of increasing severity. industry Complications[ edit ] tissue thickening may come to cause airway obstruction and impede breathing. Rhinophyma can cause psychological distress due to its effect on one's personal appearance, as well as social perception of a link with alcoholism. Causes[ edit ] rhinophyma develops in certain individuals with an unknown predisposition from long-standing rosacea which has progressed to a severe form. Although rhinophyma has been commonly presumed to be linked to alcoholism, a direct causal relationship between the condition and excessive alcohol consumption has not been substantiated.

Chapter 7: rosacea and related disorders. Bologna dermatology 3rd edition. Rohrich rj, griffin md, adams wp. Rhinophyma: review and update. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Vol. 110, no. 3. Pubmed chapter 43. 9: rhinophyma and other phymas. Rook’s dermatology 8th edition. Tanghetti e, del rosso jq, thiboutot d, gallo r, webster g, eichenfield lf, stein-gold l, berson d, zaenglein a. Consensus recommendations from the american acne and rosacea society on the management of rosacea, part 4: a status report on physical modalities and devices. Cutis. 2014 feb;93(2):71–6. Pubmed.

Diagnosis [ edit ]

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Rhinophyma is a progressive skin condition that predominantly affects the nasal skin, although other areas such as the chin may be affected. Those with untreated rosacea (a condition that affects the skin glands) are at a higher risk of developing the condition. It is not related to excessive alcohol intake as has been generally perceived and is not hereditary. The skin of the nose swells with over growth of sebaceous glands resulting in an unsightly look. Why consider removal not only is rhinophyma unsightly, but can often cause nasal blockage, alter its shape and very rarely may harbour cancer cells.